Monday, 23 April 2012

Taking a break....

Back in  June 2010 at a family gathering [ the one pictured above actually ] I remember catching sight of a red wristband Andrew was wearing -turning it over I read " Fighting Lou Gehrig`s Disease "   The ALS Association.
 Andrew had been diagnosed with M.N.D the previous September and by the June his speech had been badly affected -on reading the band I looked up at him-  saying nothing ,we just exchanged smiles.
That night I went on line and tried to buy a band  like Andrew`s to show him my support-no one in the U.K. was stocking them...I did find a site in America but you had to bulk buy them. I mentioned this to Andrew a few days later ...he just smiled nodded in agreement and disappeared for a few moments returning with a bag full of  the bands bought from that same site - Typical of Andrew he was raising awareness in his own quiet way -giving out the bands to his fellow band mates and anyone who noticed his own...........The rest is history as they say !
I`am pleased to say that the MNDA will now be stocking their own bands for awareness month in June and are thinking of stocking them again for next year .......A great result ! Andrew would have been delighted to hear that - So, I`am taking this opportunity to have a  little break from fundraising for a while. I`am so very proud of all my family and of all of Andrew`s friends- his band mates were brilliant- encouraging him to take buckets to all of their gigs ,supporting him -enabling him to keep playing in his band for as long as possible- " Resistance " now has a new drummer and they are still raising money- this time for our local hospice. [ nice one lads ]- Andrew would have approved of that.
To anyone thinking of fundraising -please go for it ! Okay , there is always a few ups and downs [ and I admit- I have had my fair share of tears and tantrums along the way ] but for maybe every one person who lets you down so many more turn up offering help -we have at times been bowled over by the kindness and generosity of complete strangers !
The blog was for Andrew -to show we cared. We shared our ups and downs with him-hamming it up and playing certain things down !! We made him laugh. Thank you to everyone who supported us along the way-for all the lovely comments and words of encouragement, donations , and wonderful photographs you sent in - I can`t tell you how much we appreciated it all. There is not a day goes by when I don`t think of him -he is in my heart - never to be forgotten.
With your help we have raised over £13,000 for the MNDA.

I will leave you with the following details of where to purchase bands from...... The Broad cricketing family

Or contact the MNDA on 0845 6044150

If you have any pictures you would like to send in- please keep doing so and I will continue to keep adding them to this site and to the facebook site . Thank you.... Wishing you all in Andrew`s favourite words..Love Hope Strength  Jan and all the family xxx

Hug Me ...I`ve got MND

The DIY SOS programme starring Eric [see previous posts ] who is living with MND is being screened on the 16th May  8pm on BBC 1.


John Going Gently said...
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John Going Gently said...

Andrew would have been very proud of what you personally have achieved over the last year and a half.
I have seen you grow as a person in your efforts to support MND on Andrew's behalf , so one good thing has come out of a bloody awful illness that has caused so much heartache.
Take out of this blog, and out of all the comments you have received, a sense of pride and achievement

You galvanised your family into a proactive and a fight for the good.

you did Andrew proud
much love
John and Chris

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

You spread the word Janet, and so many of us listened. You let us know about this horrible disease and through you, we got to know Andrew as he went through his courageous battle. Your posts were always inspiring and hopeful. We were blessed to know you and your family.

DeniseinVA said...

You've done right by your brother Janet, and all those afflicted with this terrible disease and bringing it to the forefront. Well done my friend, you're absolutely brilliant!

Terry said...

Oh Janet! You certainly made me aware of a disease I knew very little about. I thank you for letting us follow your family through this hard journey. I wish you the best. xxx

ted and bunny said...

I not been active in your fundraising but I have been so interested in your blog, and much saddened by the circumstances in which it was started.

Enjoy your "step back"; you must be ready for some me-time

judy said...

You are a credit to Andrew he would be so proud of what you achieved.You have been on a long hard journey raising awareness making the rest of the family very proud of you a special niece much love xxx

Janet said...

Aw ! what lovely comments all of you- thank you ! xx I haven`t done that much- made a few phone calls - everyone else`s help-that is what made it all actually happen !! I know
I have been extremely lucky to have such a lovely caring family who were only to willing to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in and help -I remember taking a moment to watch everyone beavering away, packing bags at Sainsburys of all things and feeling so proud - we were all there -Ann summed it up one day,saying Andrew was surrounded by love,that was certainly true !

Jim said...

I learned so much from you and your family Janet in your efforts to enlighten us all about MND.
You did incredibly well and I am a better person to have gotten to know you. All the best to you Janet and I will keep informed through |Ron and FB. I know, why don't I have FB? I don't know!! lol

ann said...

I am sorry jan Its taken me a long time to come back to read the 'My brother Andrew' blog, I am so proud of you , John is so right you did galvanise all of us I feel thanks to you we with Jayne helped Andrew put up such a brave and dignified fight. I imagine he's smiling with his thumb up just for you.
Much love Ann xx

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy Birthday Janet. The future holds great things, just embrace them all.

Terry said...

Happy Birthday, Janet!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Janet, just popping in to say hi. Hope everything is okay and was thinking about you. Have a great summer.

DeniseinVA said...

Ups, I see by the last comment that I've just missed your birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!

Good said...

You are an amazing person and sister. Just dropping in to let you know this blog is linked here under Motor Neuron blogs

Janet said...

Thank you so much- I have added your blog to this list too-please don`t hesitate to contact me if anyone else out there would like to be added to this list ! Jan

sophia lee said...
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