I`m pleased to announce Roly is the winner of our Coronation Street poster auction- it made the sum of £25 !! We are absolutely delighted- thank you Rol ! that was very generous of you and much appreciated . Not sure how many of you out there watched the Coronation Street disaster-
I was a little disappointed I must admit- considering it cost £1 million to stage-it was not exactly a blockbuster moment but maybe I`m just hard to please ! Anyone who guesses the correct whereabouts of Nia and family I will send them a free motor neurone wristband! So go on have a go !
Southern California? Gee, I wish I was wherever they are, for a couple days, anyway! Looks like the kids are having fun!
OOOh I wish I was there with them, we are still icebergs here in Derbyshire!! Thank you for your lovely comments on my Blog.
Jo xx
Sydney, Australia?
Oh, I sure could use some of that warm!
Is going to get colder here again ;( I know it has been pretty warm down under.
Hey, have a good day!!!
Fanfare please ! we have a winner ! well done Sharon ! x Shall I pop a band in the post for your hubby Sharon as I know you already have one ?
How did Sharon do that. Lovely family photo's. xx
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